Saturday, April 2, 2011

Severe Thunder Storms in Broome

The wet season has finally come to an end, or so it seems. This year according to locals was the best 'wet' in many years. The average rainfall for January and February was more than double than average records show, 724mm against the average of 355mm. 42 days of rain out of the 59 days.
The rain is usually heavy and often comes with a good storm. On the 9th of January was one of those storms, an exceptional one at that! It was a full blown electrical storm, the lightning was like a disco strobe light. I was staying in a van at the time, as I had only just arrived in Broome. The thunder shook the van and the wind blew it around like a toy. The storm was so notable that there are a couple of videos on Youtube.The video is just over 5 minutes and a bit drawn out, but when you see the lightning it is well worth the viewing.

This is a photo in the morning at 5.30am going to work, driving out of the caravan park, the roads are flooded.
Very heavy rain

Flooded driveway and flooded road

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