Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dragonflies indicate the change of season

People and the environment are more attuned in Broome than in the major centers and the city. According to the locals, the dragonflies that swarm in Broome indicate the oncoming dry season and it is true.
I have never seen so many Dragon flies in one place! Millions and millions, even along the beach when you are having that afternoon stroll they decide to land on you to hitch a ride! It was interesting to find out that they eat other insects including moths, mozzies and the like. They catch there prey with there legs and grasp them tightly, several larger species of dragonflies were seen eating each other while flying! The mosquito population died off significantly since the dragons flys arrived, hence people love these fast moving flying creatures. They are one of the fastest flying insects on earth. Damselfly were also noticed albeit not in great numbers. The swarms have lasted for weeks, last week saw the start of a sea of dead dragonflies floating across the lawn, their numbers have dropped dramatically.
Looking forward to next years swarm.

The range of colours are amazing

This little fella liked the garden edging at home

Damselfly are closely related to dragonflies but differ in that they keep there wings next to their body when stationary

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