Sunday, April 10, 2011

Barred Creek

Heading out to Barred Creek

Visited Barred creek just north of Broome on the weekend. There are probably 4 separate tracks that lead to the head of the creek on the south side, but because of the recent rains most of the tracks are difficult to pass.
Inbedded below is a video returning back from Barred Creek along this rarely used track. The new Hilux received a few nasty scratches in the process. Long grass, bumpy and sandy tracks are the order for the late afternoon trek. 

Driving Back from Beach late in the afternoon

At the head of Barred Creek

Having a chat down at the creek

Looking south with a storm that comes through that absolutely pours

Down on the mudflat

The tide drops so quickly

Caroline and Caitlin swimming in the creek

Beautiful sunset with Rainbow looking over Barred Creek from the top of the sand dune

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