Sunday, March 27, 2011

Broome Deep Water Jetty

Broome Deep Water Jetty juts outs into Roebuck Bay. The jetty is used for cargo, fuel and commercial shipping. It is also a great place to go fishing.

Jetty at full tide

A ship unloading mining cargo at full tide
At low tide, same ship unloading

More of the same High Tides

Another set of photos for comparison, same location 6 hours apart.

The red soil colours the high tide water

The evening light softens the spans of sand out to the exposed rocks

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Crocodile warning!

The Department of Environment and Conservation recently put this sign out at Streeters Jetty (under water due to largest tide 10.6m). A recent crocodile sighting.

Largest Tide for the Year

The other day was the largest tide for the year 10.6 metres and then the low 6 hours later of 0.5 metres. Amazing to see how much water disappears to the horizon. Here is a before shot at lunch time and one at sunset. Notice the second shot where there is a 4WD parked down on the beach on the left hand side.

That is a tide of 10.1 metres!

From the other boat ramp

At high tide

Sunset at the same boat ramp

New 4WD finally arrives

After nearly six weeks, our new Hilux duel cab has finally arrived, it is filthy dirty but a good tub will clean it up!
Can't wait to go camping again and 4WDing.

Entrance Point Sunset

  Caroline and Caitlin on her Birthday

 Beautiful sunset

 Looking back towards Broome Deep Water Jetty

A thunder storm with the largest moon for 18 years rising behind the clouds 

The Adventure begins

I thought it would be best to start a blog on the adventure of moving to and living in Broome, Western Australia.
I have settled well into my new job at Cable Beach, Caroline is receiving on-job training and is getting into her new role at work. Caitlin loves daycare, and as always, has adapted the best to her new situation.